Your Everything Guide to Eyelash Extensions

Despite the fact that I love cosmetics, I'm not a make-up artist, so I definitely never thought that it would be eyelash extensions. While I appreciate all the complexion-enhancing things like foundations, wet highlighters, and pretty peach blushers, I only break mascara on my birthday, when I have an important meeting or when I'm going to a wedding. Even so, it's the very thin Clinique Naturally Glossy in Brown, or my trusty YSL Faux Cils tube if I'm going to go big.

So before my own wedding, it was very inappropriate for me to make an appointment to do eyelash extensions. Even stranger was the fact that I loved them. My first meeting was three weeks before to "try them out." A month later, I returned two more times: the day before the flight (about a week before the wedding day) and shortly before leaving for my honeymoon. Obsession fails.

Here's what I discovered about eyelash extensions: they make you feel more glamorous than you ever thought. It's addictive. When I got home from my second date with the most dramatic set, I looked in the mirror and fingered like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra (note: I don't look like her at all). They do what mascara can never and never can, no matter how thick and voluminous the formula is - it looks like you were born with the thickest, wavy and perfectly curled lashes. There are no swellings and they are perfectly sharp from root to tip. And you look like that 24 hours a day!

I also learned that it is a habit that requires a lot of maintenance, takes a long time, and is not very cheap. Here's what you need to know before wearisome them.

Come on a date completely naked.

This does not apply to eyelash curling. “If they are curled, there is a crease right at the root and it is difficult for an eyelash master to apply an extension - it will not be a smooth finish,” says Jessica Sheen, founder of Flair Beauty & Lash Studio in New York. York City. Where I was looking for allowances. Other things to avoid: mascara, waterproof eye makeup, oily skin care products, and eye cream. Mostly, you don't want anything to get in the way of the glue. "You need to exercise, go to the gym and shower early," Shin advises. You cannot wet them for 24 hours after the session, because the glue has to dry completely. " Thirza Shirai of Blinkbar in Los Angeles even recommends avoiding waterproof eye makeup a week before your visit. “Leave the film invisible. this will prevent the lashes from sticking together completely, ”he says.

The best extensions are custom ones.

It also means that the best eyelash extensions are expensive and require consultation. (Cost varies greatly from salon to salon, but expect a starting point of around $ 120 for basic and up to $ 300.) Since all eyes are different, you'll need a kit that matches your eye shape, lash length, and lifestyle. "Curl and length will look completely different for one person than for another," explains Shirai. Most eyelash studios have a menu where you can start a conversation and choose the look you want (from subtle round eyes to the most daring cat eyes). Since my eyes are round and slightly curved downward at the outer corners, Shin recommended that the longest eyelashes be in the center of my eyes (two to three on his "glamor scale") rather than the always popular cat eye shape. to open more of them.

The consultation will also help determine which material to choose (silk and synthetic mink are the most common; silk is a little brighter and stands out more, and mink is wavy and natural), length and type of curl (J is the lightest curve, but in the end it looks the longest; C and D are most inverted), as well as the number of lashes to be applied. The great eyelash extension artist will also blend lengths to give lashes a natural, muted look, according to Shirai. "At Blinkbar, we use a lowest of four unlike lengths for every style we offer."

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